Saturday, June 1, 2013

Avery - 7 Months Old

Another month has flown by and our Avery Girl is getting bigger and bigger!  Please make her stop!!  This is getting ridiculous!

We love this girl to pieces.  She is wonderful!  She is such a good baby.  She is taking wonderful naps during the day and she sleeps fairly well at night.

She's also decided that she wants to crawl now.  It's terrible.  Now I have to actually keep food and small objects OFF the floor.  She's just started scooting herself backwards everywhere, but she is up on her knees and rocking back and forth a lot.  She'll be crawling VERY soon.

Here's a picture of Mallory around the same age, wearing the same dress.  Love it!

And .. just for kicks .. here's Zach at 7 Months as well.  Can't believe how fast time flies by.


  1. Ummm...that is so stinkin cute! Love that girl.

  2. Cute, cute, cute! A description of the 3 Cullumber kids!

  3. Love those kids! They're all SOOO cute!

  4. Our babies are growing toooooooo fast ;.)

    We love you all lots xoxo

  5. Can't believe it's been 7 months! Love her blue eyes...she's a keeper :)

  6. Holy 7 months! Sadness:( She is so cute! And she looks so much like Mallory as a baby, at least how I remember Mallory as a baby. Miss you!
