Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Our New Blog

Well Hello There!

Welcome to our new family blog.  I am still VERY upset about deleting our old blog.  I feel like a total idiot for not checking the google address that my blog was attached to.  I thought it was linked to my sbcglobal email address.  That, obviously, wasn't the case.  I have a friend that has sent me the text of a lot of my blog off of her "google reader" .. so I will slowly be getting those old posts on here.

For now, let's get on with our lives shall we?

Tomorrow is Zachary's 2nd Birthday.

Yup.  That's right.  2!!

Not quite sure where the time has gone.  2 years ago, I looked like this.

We welcomed this perfect little boy into our family on September 21, 2009.  He was 7 lbs, 13 oz and had a HUGE cone head from waiting in the birth canal to come out.

One Month Old.

One Year Old.

This past year has gone by fast.  My little baby has grown up into a little boy.  He LOVES planes, trains and automobiles .. he is quite the "boy".  He is in love with Thomas the Train and Lightning McQueen.  He also loves Buzz and Woody from Toy Story.

He loves riding in the car (for short trips) and pointing out all trucks and buses that he sees.  He loves to play at the park and the "play place" at the mall. 

He asks to go to Jamba Juice or In and Out Burger on a daily basis.  Those are his favorite places to eat. 

He loves playing with Mallory.  He will follow her around the house all day if she'd let him.  He does anything she asks, from pretending to be a cat to playing hide and seek.

He loves to swim in the pool, loves to jump on the trampoline, and loves to scream when he doesn't get his way.  He's much more vocal that Mallory EVER was at this age.  He looses his patience at the drop of a hat and is determined to do things his way or no way.

I love everything about this crazy handsome boy. 

Happy Happy Birthday to our Zachary!!


  1. WHAT???? How is it possible that he's turning 2 years old? I can't believe it!!! He gets more handsome with every single picture...you're going to be in trouble in a few years! Happy Birthday sweet Zachary!

  2. Oh, sweet Zachary! Happy birthday! We love you tons!
