Friday, January 13, 2012

On Vacation

I  have been on vacation for the last 2 months. 

No, I didn't go anywhere. 

Just a vacation from my blog.

Did you miss me?

I missed you too .. but not bad enough that it made me want to blog.  Sorry.

I have a lot to catch up on.  Mallory's Birthday, Thanksgiving, the whole month of December, Christmas, my little brother's wedding, and New Years.  I'm not going to blog about that today.  I probably won't get to it next week either, but for now ...

you can take a look at Zach and Me.

We get to hang out a lot these days while Mallory is in school.

We have a lot of fun together. 

He is my favorite little guy.

He keeps me on my toes.  He gets into EVERYTHING that he shouldn't, but he's cute.  So .. that makes up for all the mischief.

This morning, it was a little too quiet in the house and I asked him what he was doing.   He said, "Drawing!"  I asked, "What are you drawing on?"  then he said, "WALLS!".  nice.

He's totally into giving big hugs and smooches.  That kid kisses my face off from the minute I wake up until I throw him in his bead at night.  He is a kissing machine.  I love it.

That's my life right now .. and I LOVE it.


  1. So cute, Stef! What a little sweetheart! I wish I knew how to take pictures of my kids like you do. With pictures like those you hardly need to say anything! Welcome back!

  2. Oh my goodness!!!!

    Those pictures are so beautiful!!!

    Please send them to my favorite shop to pick up please like this evening would be perfect!!!

    5x7 and 8x10 and some 4x6 too ;.)

    love you tons xoxo

  3. You are too cute!! He's so big, I can't believe how fast they grow up. STOP IT!

  4. Seriously? How stinking adorable is Zach? Seriously? I'm dead. I've died of over exposure to cuteness.
    Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
