Friday, January 27, 2012


I have said it once and I'll say it again ..

Zach is ALL boy.

He is ALWAYS jumping off of things, running, screaming .. and just busy.

Yesterday, while I was making dinner, I let Zach play in the bag of flour that I have.  Do you ever let your kids do that?  My mom always let us play with flour.  It is so fun ... messy .. but fun.

Anyways, he had flour ALL over him.  He decided he needed a snack and went running over to the pantry and with all the flour all over his feet, he slipped and slammed his head against the corner of the doorway and split his head right open.

I had to cut his hair and then shave the area around the cut.

Bandaged him up .. and you've got one happy boy.

(sorry for the bad pictures .. camera phone only)

Two days ago, he was running out in the front yard and fell right on his face.

He's a pretty banged up kid right now.

Crazy. Loud. Busy. BOY.


  1. Frank's concerned his little boy is going to come home a man after being there! We'll bring you a box of band aids!

  2. I am always worried that when my boys do something like this I will just freeze and not know what to do. Good job, Stef!

  3. Smooches for each of your battle scares xoxo

    What a great mom, with lots of love and patience for sure.

    You are very lucky, Zachary.


  4. Smooches for each of your battle scares xoxo

    What a great mom, with lots of love and patience for sure.

    You are very lucky, Zachary.


  5. You're a way better mom than in a bag of flour? No way, Jose!!!

    I'm impressed you shaved his head and bandaged him up yourself. I never would've thought to do that...most likely just would have let the wound scab up with the hair stuck to it and not washed it for a week! You ROCK!!!

    Welcome to the wild world of boys. My boys are always covered in bruises, scrapes, and are each accumulating their own batch of scars. Glad the little bruiser is ok!

  6. Love those ALL BOY boys! What a cutie! and I love that you let him play in the flour! Love!
