Friday, January 25, 2013


My parents came up Christmas Eve and spent the night and stayed through most of Christmas Day.  It was wonderful having them here.  We wish we had all our family close by to celebrate holidays and special occasions with.

We didn't do anything special Christmas Eve.  I had a lot of good intentions.  We made Ginger Bread Cookies, but didn't decorate them.  I was going to make a yummy dinner, but Wesley ended up making it all and Mom and I went to Hobby Lobby.  We were going to go and see Christmas lights, but it got too late after we opened up our jammies.

We always open up one present on Christmas Eve.  It is always pajamas. 

The kids were pretty disappointed.

Mallory helped Avery open her jammies.

She's super excited about Christmas.  Can't you tell?

"Haddie" with Avery.

Christmas Day was one of the best ever.  The kids slept in!  We actually had to wake Zachary up so we could go into the living room and see what Santa brought us.

Zachary got this Hot Wheels Trike.  It is too big for him, but he'll grow into it.  He loves riding it down the driveway.

Mallory got a scooter.  She's been wanting a two wheeled one.  A neighbor gave her a 3 wheel scooter a while ago and she outgrew it super quick.  She now needs a bike.  She taught herself how to ride a bike without training wheels (she just borrowed her friends bike), so now it's time to get one of her own.

Wesley got a Weather Station from Santa.  He is a bit obsessed about checking the weather on the Weather Channel App we have on the iPad. 

Dad was enjoying setting it up with Wesley.

After Santa gifts and Stockings and Plates, we started making breakfast.  The kids wanted to open one present before breakfast. 

Mallory got a helmet ... and then went right outside to play on her scooter.

Zach opened up our family "Caterpillar Train Set" that will go under our tree next year.

We didn't need to get him anything else after this.  He was in heaven.

We had breakfast around 10 and slowly started opening up the rest of the presents.  We didn't get done till well after 2.  It was a perfect day.  I didn't take any other pictures .. just this one of the mess of Christmas.  I love it.  It took me over a week to clean it all up and get everything out of the living room.

Avery slept through everything.  I took this picture of her Christmas night.

I love those cheeks.

We kept the train up for Zachary well into January.  When I put it away, he was SO upset.  He would just lay on the ground and watch it go around and round. 

My Christmas Present came a few weeks after Christmas.  Wesley bought me new couches!  We ordered them from RC Willey before Christmas, but they took 6 weeks to get here.  That's for another post. 


  1. So fun to see Christmas again, cameras are the best ;.)

    Love you all xoxo

  2. How awesome is that? Maybe my kids will sleep in one of these years:)
    Your kids are so sweet! Love that little Avery.
