Thursday, January 24, 2013

December 2012

I know December was a while ago ... but I am finally getting around to uploading pictures off my camera and blogging about all the happenings around here.

November and December were busy months for us.

The day that Avery was born, Wesley went in for a job interview at a Civil Engineering firm called TRC Solutions.  He got the job and gave his two weeks notice to HNTB.  He has loved working for HNTB these last few years and has learned SO much.  TRC just felt like the right way to go at this point in Wesley's career.  He took two weeks off the end of November, first part of December, and we all just hung out together.  It was wonderful.  Before he started his new job (on December 10th) we took a day trip and went to Apple Hill.  Wesley took some pictures while Mallory rode a horse. 

 Those are the only pictures we took.  I was dealing with a HUGE blowout that Avery had.  It was .. awesome.  Gotta love those parts of motherhood.  People don't tell you that you have to deal with a lot of poop when you're a mom.  Let's just say I have thrown out a LOT of onesies this time around.  They have been "tie dyed yellow" and I just don't even bother with the stain remover.  They just go straight in the trash.

Mallory's Christmas Concert at school.  It was hilarious seeing all those kids in their red Rudolph noses and antlers.  Super cute.  Mallory just waved and smiled at me every chance she got.  I love that girl.

Our ward did a great "Breakfast with Santa" on a Saturday morning towards the end of December.  It was great.  Delicious food, lots of people, great program, and Santa came.

We didn't get pictures of the older two kids with Santa .. just Avery. 

She smiled up at him and was so happy to meet him.  It was too cute.

Also towards the end of the month we had some friends over to decorate Ginger Bread Houses.  It's a Cullumber Family Tradition to make houses each Christmas.  I LOVE this tradition and I am so grateful to a husband who loves it and wants to carry the tradition on.

The houses turned out great and there was a TON of leftover candy.  I might have gone a bit overboard when buying candy. 

Mallory decorated a small house for her teacher at school.  By "Mallory decorated", I mean she did one side and Wesley finished the rest.  She told him he did a great job.

The Sunday before Christmas we all went to church with coordinating outfits.  Wesley was wondeful and got the camera all set up to take our picture after church.  He knows me well.  I had been wanting a family picture for weeks.  It was raining outside, so we had to do it inside.

The kids were VERY good sports.  I love them.

Zach's face is too cute in this one.

This is the best we could do with a self timer.  We really need to take some more.

My mom bought Mallory and Avery matching dresses.  I had to get some pictures of them together.  Mallory is at a wonderful age - she really wants to match with Avery.  It is so cute.

I love my girls.  They are so sweet together.

Whew.  That was most of December in a nutshell.  I haven't even gotten to Christmas yet.  Aren't you glad it's January?  I'm so over all the holidays.


  1. So cute, SO fun! LOVE your family pictures! :0)

  2. I totally want the pictures with Santa ;.)

    I love Wesley serious work with his Gingerbread house ;.)

    Merry Christmas what fun times for all xoxo

  3. Ahhh! I love the matching dresses! So cute!! Those gingerbread houses looked awesome. You are so beautiful. Your family is just gorgeous. Love you all! xoxo

  4. Olivia always wanted a sister so they could have matching dresses...I think that ship has sailed!

    Love the update, and LOVE the family picture...self-timer and all!
