Monday, October 7, 2013

Ice, Ice, Baby

Avery has a bit of an obsession with ice.

If she hears someone filling up their glass with ice from the ice maker .. she comes crawling SO fast from wherever she is in the house.  She likes to be there to catch any ice that falls onto the floor.

Lately I have been filling up a small cup with crushed ice and giving it to her.  It keeps her quite busy.  She usually dumps it out onto the floor and then tries to pick up the melting pieces with her chubby fingers.

When she can't pick a piece up, she tries to suck it up off the floor.

Obsession I tell you.
Messy.  Messy Obsession.


  1. Ha ha ha! What a cute little stinker! Give her a big squish for me, would you?! :0)

  2. She's so big! And she has hair!
