Sunday, November 4, 2012


This is my friend Jackie and me at church the day before my due date.  No .. we did NOT plan our outfits .. but don't we look cute together?

Jackie is one of my bestest friends .. and she is pregnant with twins!!  and due in February.  We had to get a picture together while I was still pregnant.

I am sad that I didn't get a lot more pictures of me and my belly .. but I am glad Jackie and I got these ones. 

oh .. and yes .. Jackie is ridiculously tall.  That's no camera trick.  She played Volleyball for BYU back in the day and is also married to a Giant.  They have TALL kids.  She is worried that the twins are going to be over 8 lbs each.  She should be VERY worried.


  1. Cute! Thanks for posting this! I missed seeing you at the end of your pregnancy! How's the baby?! When are you going to post about her?!!! So excited! Hope you are feeling GREAT and getting TONS of sleep! :0)

  2. You are darling...and you look so done in this's nice to know that little baby is now on the outside!!! So hurry up and post pics of her!!!
